Criminal charges-HENGDU LAW FIRM


    Criminal charges

    How We Can Help

    We can provide clients with a full range of legal practices including pre criminal risk prevention, criminal risk management and control, and defense of criminal cases afterwards, so as to ensure the compliance of projects and effectively avoid criminal risks.

    Economic Crimes

    • Corruption, bribery, bribery, misappropriation of public funds, contract fraud, misappropriation of funds, duty embezzlement, illegal absorption of public deposits, etc.

    Common crimes

    • Intentional injury, traffic accident crime, bigamy crime, insult crime, etc.


    • Analyze and judge the accusations involved in the case, select the accusation and formulate the accusation strategy according to the practical experience

    • Assist clients to collect and fix relevant evidence in the direction of crime constitution

    • Drafting criminal charges, legal opinions, etc.

    • Assist clients to file administrative reconsideration or apply for supervision of procuratorial organs to participate in court proceedings, participate in court proof, cross examination and debate, and reflect clients' claims and demands
